The health and safety meeting is part of a yearly process and should be held every 12 months (or more regularly if needed). A record of attendance, actions points / comments should be recorded on the meeting summary and shared with those who could not attend. (please use this template)
What should the Health and Safety Meeting include?
In 2024 we are encouraging you to discuss the following:
- Overview of Health and Safety
- Fire Plan
- Incident / Accidents / Hazards – reporting
- Questions
- AOB - including any learning from any local incidents
An example health and safety meeting and powerpoint can be found here
What should be done before the meeting?
- Invite team to the meeting with what will be discussed (should take roughly half an hour)
- Plan your meeting - use the powepoint / example meeting template
What should be shared after the meeting?
- Minutes of meeting (including with those who were not able to attend)
- Please upload meeting minutes to the staff database