If you want to organise a fundraising event, the fundraising page on the website is your gateway. There you will find a step-by-step guide to planning your own event, as well as some helpful tips for along the way.
Jelly Welly Walks – We can provide a pack of resources (which includes a walk set-up guide, sponsorship forms, and stickers) for any individual, church or school who wants to run a Jelly Welly Walk.
Sign up through the website and the fundraising team will be in touch. Submit a fundraising support ticket through Zendesk if you have any questions.
Coffee Mornings – We can provide a pack of resources for anyone who wants to run a coffee morning. This free pack includes top tips for running the event, Safe Families leaflets to share with attendees, a poster, cake labels, bunting and more.
Sign up through the website and the fundraising team will be in touch. Submit a fundraising support ticket through Zendesk if you have any questions.
If you have a fundraising idea of your own, we would love to hear it. Either submit a fundraising support ticket through Zendesk, or get in touch with Bethan Hudson.
If you know someone who isn’t a staff member that wants to get in touch about organising an event, direct them to this contact form at the very bottom of the fundraising page.