It is important that we all have an understanding of the menopause and the peri-menopause in order to be able to support and care for our colleagues well. More information about the menopause can be found in the Menopause policy or you can watch the session that was led by Dr Sally Bell for all staff here.
Further information and guidance can be found here
As a line manager if a staff member shares that they are experiencing symptoms of the menopause or perimenopause that are impacting their work, after listening to their experiences it is important to ask if they would like to have a discussion regarding reasonable adjustments (the template can be found here). If they do, then plan in a time with the staff member to have this discussion; ideally not at the same time as discussing other areas of work. Prior to this discussion, if they haven't already seen the menopause policy it may be helpful to share this with them and also encourage the staff member to think through their own health, and any medical advice they need to seek. Including any areas in their role they feel they need further support, and possible solutions to these. Ensure the staff member is aware that any information shared with you as their line manager will also be accessible to the People and Culture Team and the Line Managers Manager. E.g. Senior Family Support Manager and Programme Director.
The conversation regarding reasonable adjustments will take place in two parts. Please ensure this is explained to the staff member. The documentation to record the meeting can be found here and a more detailed example can be found here.
- The first meeting is aimed at understanding the situation in more detail and starting to think through possible reasonable solutions. After meeting with the staff member, the line manager should then meet with the senior / SLT lead to discuss what can be agreed within the plan.
- A second meeting should then take place with the staff member and line manager to confirm the plan. This process should not, where possible, take longer than two weeks from start to finish (as part of the first meeting a short-term interim plan can be agreed whilst the full plan is being discussed). A regular review date should be put in place.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What should I do if a staff member seems to be experiencing symptoms associated with the menopause which I think are having an impact on their ability to do their role but they don't want to share information / discuss this with me?
Within a one to one you can highlight your concerns regarding performance and ask if there is anything they would like to share that is impacting this – if the staff member does not want to discuss any wider information about their symptoms etc. then record the discussion within their one to one and make the staff member aware that we can discuss this if they want to, but no adjustments can be made if they do not want to share information.
- What if the staff member says they cannot do large parts of their role due to the menopause?
We can look at reasonable adjustments within their role, but they should still be carrying out their role with adjustments making it more manageable. It could be that another role is available which would be better suited, and we could offer that they move into this role instead.
- After the reasonable adjustment conversation it has been decided we need to provide X equipment. Where do we need to provide equipment for? What if someone chooses to work from home a few days a week?
We need to provide equipment for their contracted place of work (e.g. their office as stated on their contract)
- What if the Line Manager’s senior is on A/L/ on sick leave and I need to discuss the reasonable adjustments plan with them?
You can discuss this with their manager (SLT lead) or the People and Culture Team