You will often see stories of how this team has helped people on the #storiesofhope channel on Slack so keep your eye out for some inspirational reads and prayer requests.
If you would like to know more about what this team does or want to chat about anything to do with adoption, fostering or supported lodgings please do reach out to any of the team via Slack.
- Stu Otten, Head of Church Relationships and Engagement (Central) started 3 February 2025.
- Georgia Gyles, Family Support Team Student (North West) started 3 February 2025.
- Joseph Goulden, Community Volunteer Manager (North West) started 4 February 2025.
- Tabs Halliwell, Community Volunteer Manager (North West) started 4 February 2025.
- Princess Osuwu, Family Support Team Student (London & South East) started 17 February 2025.
- Chanel Davies, Family Support Team Student (London & South East) started 17 February 2025.
- Tanya Farrugia, Family Support Manager (Central) starting 26 February 2025.
There are a number of vacancies which are closing in March. Take a look at these roles and please share them far and wide with people that you think may be interested in them. They can be found here on our website.
- Head of Communications, closing 2 March 2025.
- Tyneside Church and Community Relationships Coordinator, closing 9 March 2025.
- Teesvalley Family Support Manager, closing date 10 March 2025.
- Fundraising Team Trusts and Key Relationships Manager, closing date 16 March 2025
- South East Engagement and Support Coordinator, closing date 16 March 2025.
- Lancashire Engagement and Support Coordinator, closing date 16 March 2025.
- Aberdeenshire Church and Community Relationships Coordinator, closing date 16 March 2025.
- Policy and Research Lead, closing 16 March 2025.
- Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes Community and Church Relationships Coordinator, closing date 23 March 2025.
This is your reminder that you can carry forward up to a working week's worth of annual leave to the next leave year. That's the same number of days that your normal working week would be (so if you work four you could carry forward four). You don't need to do anything to carry this forward, any remaining days will be transferred to your leave allowance from April. If you have more days than you are allowed to carry over, you will lose them so be sure to get any additional days booked in soon. If you are making a leave request for something post April, be sure to select the year 2025/2026 when booking the dates.
We are excited to share that we have created some guidelines for home working! There are many of us that find ourselves working from home and it is important that we feel supported to do this well. We have created some guidance and helpful tips to boost productivity and support you in working safely and comfortably at home. Click this link to find out more!
We have also updated our Health and Safety policy and the new version can be found here.
When Home for Good and Safe Families merged late last year, we worked together on a combined staff handbook. As things continue to grow and change we will be updating the handbook regularly so that it remains useful to you in your role. We have now made some amends to the handbook since September and you can check out the updated version here.
Thanks for reading Staff Matters this month, we hope you have found it helpful. Please do let us know if there is anything that you need help with, would like to see in Staff Matters or if you would like your team featured in the 'Who's who?'.