We are committed to the wellbeing of all employees and providing an environment in which employees and the organisation can flourish. We recognise that one of the experiences that can have an impact on a staff member’s wellbeing and their experience of employment is the menopause.
More information about the menopause can be found in the Menopause policy.
All staff were invited to a call with an opportunity to ask questions about the menopause in summer 2023. You can watch the session that was led by Dr Sally Bell here.
If you are experiencing symptoms of the menopause / peri-menopause we firstly encourage you to seek medical support and guidance (please see the websites links below) If this is impacting your ability to work we encourage you to speak with your line manager. Your line manager will then arrange a 'reasonable adjustments conversations' which will be the framework for discussing what adjustments could be helpful. Prior to this discussion, please consider your own health, and any medical advice you may need to seek alongside any areas in your role you feel you need further support, and some possible solutions to these.
We encourage employees experiencing the menopause to seek medical guidance. The websites below offer some guidance (there is much more online), this should be discussed with an appropriate medical professional: