We have a Group Income Protection scheme in place with Aviva. This will start if you are off work for more than 8 weeks continuously and will provide up to 75% of your income for up to 24 months. Hopefully you will not need to use it, but if you do then it will be administered by People and Culture team.
All illnesses are covered by the insurance but not if you are off work due to a situation in work e.g. work related stress.
Our Group Income Protection also gives us access to a 'vocational rehabilitation' organisation called Proclaim Care. This is a programme of support, guidance, advice and treatment following an illness or injury. A referral to Proclaim Care does not have to be once you have been off work for 8 weeks, but can be completed as soon as possible and should be completed if the absence is likely to be for four weeks or more. Before a referral is made consent from you must be obtained and so therefore your line manager may talk to you about this option when you are off work.
Process of a claim being submitted to the Group Income Protection scheme
- If you are likely to be off work for longer than 4 weeks, consent to make a referral to Group Income Protection
- People and Culture Team will make initial contact with Group Income Protection to start the claim (by week 4 of absence)
- Forms will be completed by the People and Culture Team and you (the team member) to proceed with claim (this gives permission for medical records be shared)
- Group Income Protection will contact the People and Culture Team with the outcome of the claim
- Proclaim Care will support the return to work plan
NOTE: Proclaim Care can be contacted before step 1.