We want to ensure all staff have appropriate first aid support - In order to identify risk in the office (and what plan should be created to mitigate this) in relation to first aid the office lead must complete a Checklist for Assessment of First-aid Needs. This will help determine if you need a staff member trained in first-aid or an appointed person and what equipment you need in the office including fully stocked first aid kit.
Recording any administered First Aid should be done via the staff database using a form. For more information please read this article.
An incident form also needs to be completed (this can be done by the office lead or line manager). The incident form records the whole incident (and links any affected parties / near misses), whereas the first aid form is for the individual.
The Appointed First Aid lead will get reminders via the staff database to check the first aid kit every three months. The date it was last checked should then be updated on staff database office profile.