Before a staff member starts their employment the People and Culture Team will let them know via email that within week 1 their line manager will have a discussion around support and ask if there are any needs or disabilities we should be aware of as they may require adjustments or could impact on their ability to evacuate etc.
Within week 1 the line manager will have a support meeting with the staff member and record the discussion within that they will ask:
- Do you have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of at work? Do you have any impairments that may impact your ability to evacuate?
The notes should be uploaded on the staff database and the following action taken:
- If emergency medical condition highlighted LM to add to info to the staff database (in personal details section) and complete personalised risk assessment. The line manager will then ensure Appointed Staff member for First Aid and Office Lead (for H&S) is aware of details; the first aid checklist may then need revisiting to take account for this change and additional training may be needed.