There are a few places you can view details of upcoming leave.
The dashboard
Lists all upcoming leave for people in your region, or your direct reports, coming up in the next 10 days.
For line managers, it will also list any pending requests.
Annual Leave >> My Annual Leave
Lists your upcoming leave, both pending and approved. Also leave taken in the allowance period, any past days taken and any rejected requests.
Annual Leave >> Pending Approval
For line managers this will list any leave requests that are pending your response.
For all staff it will list your requests that are pending approval.
Team >> Upcoming Leave
This provides a diary of upcoming leave with month by month listing of all staff in your region or direct reports that are off on each day. If a day is missing, nobody has it booked.
And for Line Managers, Annual Leave >> Team Allowances will list members of your team, their current allowances and annual leave remaining.