The results of our Q12 survey were extremely encouraging. We scored highly but there is always room for further improvement. The Q12 question which related to us each having opportunities to do what we do best scored a little lower than others.
One way to begin to address this is to learn what relevant, but currently underused, skills, talents and experience we have as an organisation then use that information intelligently i.e. when forming project working groups, when thinking about particular themes or trying something new.
With this in mind we would like to gather some information on what hidden skills and talents are out there amongst you our wonderful staff.
The button will stay active for as long as you are with us so if you learn new things or find new passions you can update your answers whenever you want. Your answers will be kept in your HR file on the database and, in line with our value of empowerment, we will endeavour wherever possible to use your answers to provide more opportunities for you to shine.
From the dashboard, click on Add My Hidden Skills
The form will open up with two questions, both are optional and allow for free text entry.
- Please describe any hidden/underused talents, skills, experience or expertise you have that we could be making more of. How are these relevant to Safe Families and how might we help you use them.
- Are there any things you really enjoy doing that could be an asset to Safe Families or make your work more rewarding.
The responses will be visible to your line manager and up the reporting tree. You can also see and update them at any time. Either use the same button again or from your profile, click the Skills option on the left hand menu. A note will be added each time you update but no email notifications are sent.