This view lists past and upcoming fundraising events.
Events are listed in date order. The star next to an event means it is being organised and run by Safe Families. An event without a star is one that a supporter has told us they are organising themselves.
Region is the region and area where the event is taking place. Details gives more information about the event, Category shows if it is part of a wider group of events and Host shows who the event host is, with a link to email them directly.
The number of Fundraisers and Churches taking part are displayed, with any additional group members shown in brackets, and the Total Raised so far from the event is shown in the final column.
If you are an Event Host, you can view a list of all events you are the host of under My Events.
If you click on the name of an event, you are taken to the Edit Event Details view. Here you can see additional details about the event, and if you are the event host you'll be able to edit these details.
If the Open for sign ups: box is displaying Yes, this means that supporters are able to sign up to join the event via an online form they can access from the website.
The Name, Time and Location of the event are all sent in an email to supporters when they sign up for the event online, so it's important to make sure these details are accurate before opening the event for sign ups.
If the Custom: box shows Yes this means it is an event that a supporter has organised themselves, if No then it is an event organised and run by Safe Families.
In the case of the Jelly Welly Walk 2022, there are six Safe Families organised walks. Any fundraisers who are organising their own walk will be part of one National event called Jelly Welly Walk (Running My Own), organised by Hannah Gooding.
Below the event details there is a list of the fundraisers and churches that have signed up to take part in the event. They will each receive an automated email from the Fundraising Team when they sign up to the event, and will receive further email communication closer to the event. The Fundraising Team will also send out a Fundraising Pack to everyone taking part in Safe Families organised events.
The table of fundraisers shows the Supporter Household number, so you can easily see if multiple supporters from the same household are taking part, as well as seeing who is the lead supporter for that household. If they are running their own event (e.g. as part of Jelly Welly Walk - Running My Own), the date of their event will be shown under Own Event Date. Region shows the region and area of that supporter. If they have told us there are others joining them on the event, the number of additional people will be displayed under No. in group.
The Amount Raised does not automatically update; it is the responsibility of the Fundraising Team and/or the Event Host to update this per supporter and for the event as a whole.
If there are additional people joining a fundraiser as part of the same group, or as part of a church group, they will be shown under the No. in group column.