Safer recruitment
We have been looking at our processes from advertising jobs right through to someone starting with us as an employee. One thing that we want to highlight to you as managers is the importance of Safer Recruitment. We have a duty of care for our staff and those who we help and serve therefore, it is important that when we are hiring a new person we complete thorough checks and make sure that they are a good fit for their role. Please read through this article which has a few top tips on how you can help with this process as a hiring manager.
Annual leave
As we approach the end of the annual leave year, please do have conversations with the people you line manage around their annual leave allowances. We can carry forward the equivalent of a working week's worth of leave to the next year however, the allowance is preferably for staff to use in the year it is given. Please encourage your teams to use their leave and book off that time to rest, recuperate or focus on things other than work. If someone has more leave left that their usual working week then that leave will be lost from 1st April.
Line manager drop-ins
As a reminder, we are now hosting some line manager drop-ins! This is a chance for you to book a slot with either Anna or Nic to ask those burning people questions you have been wanting to ask or a space for you to reflect or talk something through. We have created this space in our diaries to make it easier for you as line managers to be able to reach out and get some time in with us when you need it. The slots are on a Tuesday and a Thursday and can be booked in half hours by clicking this link.