Hello there,
Here are the latest updates for line managers specifically from People and Culture. Please also take a look at Staff Matters that will go out to all staff for further information on some of the things below and other things to be shared with you.
Home working guidance
In Staff Matters that will go out to everyone you will see that there is some information about new home working guidelines. If you manage any staff who are home-based please take a look at this and encourage staff to as well.
We have also updated our Health and Safety policy and the new version can be found here.
Recruitment and induction
As line managers there are times when you may be involved in recruitment and induction processes. We want to make the transition from the point of advertising a role until the day a person starts as simple and as smooth as possible. With this in mind, we have recently re-vamped all of our guidance around this therefore, next time before you plan any interviews or look at recruiting someone please do look through the guidance which can be found here.
One thing to highlight is that even if someone says in an interview that they are available to start straight away it doesn't mean that they can. We still have to do some pre-employment checks including receiving suitable references. Please chat to People and Culture as soon as you make a decision to appoint someone so that we can advise on this.
Leadership Development
We run two types of leadership development for staff. The first is leadership training sessions for those new to line management. Participants attend session and have a mentor who is part of the Senior Leadership Team. Secondly, for the last two years we have delivered a 12 month Leadership Development Programme for emerging leaders. We are about to finish the second year of the programme and we have had 21 people start the programme. From year one, 11 people completed the programme with six of them now in leadership roles in the organisation. During the sessions participants spend time in peer support groups, are assigned a mentor and are given a specific project to lead on to practically apply the skills.
Both of these training programmes have been successful and participants have given some great feedback. However, due to the ongoing reshaping we feel that it is right to delay the start of the next cohorts for these and we will share more information about next steps in the summer.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, please do be sure to check out the all staff Staff Matters too.