Line Manager Drop-ins
We are excited to let you know that as of January we will be hosting some line manager drop-ins! This will be a chance for you to book a slot with either Anna or Nic to ask those burning people questions you have been wanting to ask or just a space for you to reflect or talk something through. We wanted to create this space in our diaries to make it easier for you as line managers to be able to reach out and get some time in with us when you need it. The slots will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday and can be booked in half hours by clicking this link.
Don't forget to check the leave over Christmas for the staff you manage and make sure that they have booked in the closure and bank holidays.
In addition to this, and following feedback during consultations, we heard that some staff would like to be able to work during bank holidays and over the Christmas period. Therefore, we are piloting allowing all staff to request to work bank holidays, rather than use leave (other than Christmas Day and Boxing Day). Staff can also request to work one day between Christmas and New year. This will be reviewed by September 2025. This pilot is aiming to balance some team members desire to want to work with other feedback that the Christmas enforced break should be kept as it is the one time of year we are all on annual leave and so 'work' is not continuing internally. In turn, this means that the 'catchup' on our return is a lot less. If one of your team wants to do this, please ask them to request it in writing to you for you to approve.