As someone in your team is leaving the organisation, there are a few things we need you to so:
- Send staff members resignation to the People and Culture team as soon as you receive it. Please email it to: so that the right person in the team can pick it up.
- Advise the People and Culture team if the staff member is planning on taking any annual leave prior to leaving.
- Let your Senior Leadership Team member know that the person is leaving.
- Chat to the staff member about their equipment and make a clear plan of when and how you will get their equipment back from them (laptop, phone, chargers, office chair at their home etc).
- Return laptop and phone to Stuart Main at the Kingston Park office (address: 4 Diamond Court, Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2EN). Please clearly mark this for Stuart’s attention. You can either claim an expense for this postage or try give it to a staff member who may be seeing Stuart or another team member who works with Stuart.
- Once People and Culture send you the leavers forms (one is an IT check list and one is a reference) please fill these in and either upload onto the person’s staff database profile (making sure you put the privacy setting for the reference as “Line manager and above”) or send them back to the People and Culture team via their email: Let People and Culture team know if there is anything to note or pick up in the exit interview.