Starting an annual review is done by the line manager.
Firstly, log in to the staff database and you should see a blue, 'Start New Annual Review' button on the dashboard.
You will then be asked for the date and location of the review, and who the review is for. This drop down should list all your reportees. If you don't have the correct options then email and we can correct it.
You will also be asked to select the names of up to six people to provide peer feedback. The people chosen should be discussed in advance with the reportee. You will have to pick an option in each of the 6 boxes but can select None if not requesting all six. Click here for more on requesting, giving and receiving peer feedback.
There is also the option for requesting up to two sets of external feedback. For this, add the email address(es) into the appropriate boxes. In this case, if not requesting external feedback, just leave the box(es) empty.
The people named and selected will receive an email with a link to the feedback form and be told the deadline for feedback.
Having named the people and picked a deadline, click on 'Start Review Form' to begin the process.