Whilst the National Training Coordinator will add core training Module 1 and Module 3 sessions, local facilitators will need to add their face to face Module 2 sessions.
In order to do this, head to the Supporters >> Training Opportunities page, where you'll see all the training on offer, including core and additional.
Click the blue piece of paper towards the top right
And then the options for the new training will unfurl.
Add the details and press Add Event
The page will reload and you should see the training event now listed. An email will be sent to notify the training coordinator and all listed facilitator(s) except the person adding it.
Event name, date, details, time and location will all be sent to the supporter(s) booking on. Please bear this in mind when completing them.
Details should contain everything they need to find and join your training as well as who to contact on the day if they have issues finding you.
Time will allow free text. So "Starting at 1PM" is a valid entry.
For volunteer training towards approval, select the Core Training category. Then please make sure you pick the corresponding Core Module from the final drop down.
You can pick as many facilitators as you like - these will be the people then able to update the details and attendance list later. They'll also all be notified of the training being added.
Capacity will default to 15 but can be adjusted to suit your location and staffing.
If you are running a local training in, for instance, your home and don't want to allow all supporters to book on, set Available to Book to No. This will hide it from the online form available externally but allow facilitator(s) to add people manually through the database.