The CVT do not hand over responsibility for the volunteers to the FST once they have been approved. Whilst the FSM manages the support work between families and volunteers, the CVT are best placed to nurture the relationship between volunteers and Safe Families. Therefore, ongoing support is vital to ensure volunteer belonging. The expected interactions are as follows:
- Review calls to volunteers who are supporting a family after 3 weeks, 10 weeks, 18 weeks and then every 4 weeks thereafter. These calls are designed to dovetail with the FSM contact and the purpose is to check on the wellbeing of the volunteer rather than how the family support is going. Notes must be recorded about the conversation on the DB.
- If the volunteer flags up issues about the family, the CVM must contact the appropriate FSM.
- Closure Survey calls once a volunteer’s support has ended (see more in section 3.5).
- The showing of appreciation for the support volunteers have provided through an email, call, card, or a little gift as appropriate (it may help show belonging to send this from both the CVM and FSM).
- Where a volunteer is struggling or experiencing a difficult time with a family and/or the support closes unexpectedly or for difficult reasons the CVM should discuss this with the volunteer and provide them with the necessary support. Notes of these conversations and the resultant actions must be recorded in the volunteer notes on the database.
- Where a Safeguarding issue is identified by the FST the FST must inform the CVM so that they might provide support to the volunteer. Notes of these conversations and any actions are to be recorded as notes on the database.