On the first day of employment all new members of staff need to have their right to work in the UK document checked and uploaded to the staff database.
As their line manager you need to complete the following:
- Take a copy (or photo - then print) of their 'right to work in the UK document' (this can be a passport or birth certificate)
- Write on the copy 'this is the right to work check carried out on [date] by [name]' - then sign this document
- Upload a photo / scan of the document with the writing and signature to the employees profile into their documents and make sure to select the document type "Right to Work Check"
- I don't know if someone has the right to work in the UK - what document do I need to see?
Most simply a UK passport or birth certificate can be shown - if they do not have this then use this online checker to help ascertain what you need to see - https://www.gov.uk/legal-right-work-uk
- What will happen if we forget to do this?
You will receive a reminder via the staff database notifications on day 1, 3 and 5 and then daily until it has been completed. This is a legal requirement, and is therefore very important that we ensure this task is completed.