Offering the role to the successful candidate
When you have made the decision, you should contact the successful candidate by phone to offer the post. We contact the successful candidate first in case they turn the role down and we need to return to the alternative candidates.
You should explain the headlines of what Is being offered and where possible find out the Information below:
- Salary (If need to go to remuneration panel, make clear the process - where possible do not share the exact salary you are asking for; do share the 'baseline' salary and that panel may agree a bit more)
- Working Hours being offered (If there Is choice in days - do they have a preference)
- References (when can any outstanding references be chased?)
- Start date (when do they think they can start? any pre-booked holidays we should be aware of?)- note this Is a 'working towards date' as if we do not have references back then they cannot start with us.
It may be that you call them to offer the job and then the following day call to talk in more detail. After speaking to the candidate to offer the role and get more information, the People and Culture team should be informed and a request put in via the staff database for the job offer letter. (remember to mark them as appointed on the staff database first) The People and Culture team will then contact the successful candidate and plan their start with you.