Quality Standard |
QS 3.1 |
National Training Coordinator to schedule trained staff to facilitate Core Volunteer Training M1+M3. CVMs to schedule M2 + local training (as appropriate). CVMs follow up on volunteers who do not sign up from initial database email after 1 week. |
QS 3.2 |
National Training Coordinator to schedule online recertification training (M4) and trained staff to facilitate as required. |
QS 3.3 |
CVT know the content of all training modules well enough to deliver the training effectively and smoothly (even if they are not trained facilitators). |
QS 3.4 |
CVT ensure that all training resources and materials (including volunteer chocolate) are kept up to date for M2/local training. |
QS 3.5 |
CVT use local training and other training feedback as an opportunity to develop their knowledge of the volunteers’ skills, personalities and identify any concerns regarding suitability as a volunteer. |
QS 3.6 |
CVT evaluate all training sessions through volunteer evaluation and staff feedback. Feedback is shared with SCVM and SFSM for discussion and actions identified. |
QS 3.7 |
CVT invite and encourage volunteers to attend further training modules to develop their knowledge and skills. |
QS 3.8 |
Prior to family introduction, volunteers are reminded to review the Volunteer Handbook. |
QS 3.9 |
CVMs must consider whether or not volunteers who have not actively supported a family for over 18 months are required to attend Mod 4 Training. |
QS 3.10 |
CVT ensure volunteers are invited to MOD 4 training as part of the volunteers’ recertification process every 3 years. Where appropriate, volunteers may recertify through Self-certification training with line manager’s approval, provided they have fulfilled 3 of the criteria set out in the VMSM. |
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